For Employees


Mentally healthy workplaces reduce risks to employee health, increase wellbeing, and make a work a great place to be.

FlourishDx is a preventative approach to mental health – empowering individuals to remain mentally healthy and providing knowledge, skills and coaching to flourish.

Flourishing is a psychological term used to describe an optimal level of wellbeing where you are happy, engaged, and satisfied in life.

Everyone knows that nutrition, exercise and sleep are the pillars of good physical health. But to flourish it is important to practise specific mental health pillars. This includes:

  • regularly experiencing positive emotions,
  • participating in activities that fully engage you,
  • nurturing positive relationships with others,
  • having a sense of meaning and purpose, and
  • experiencing satisfaction associated with accomplishment.

The FlourishDx app can benefit your wellbeing in a number of ways.

High quality, animated content covering the continuum of mental health and sleep, can increase your knowledge and awareness on key topics.

Guided meditations are also available to turn off the stress response and improve sleep.

The flourish survey is available any time as a check in to see how you are performing on the pillars of good mental health, and the impact on your wellbeing.

Like physical health, mental health is maintained through practising regular positive habits.

J, the mental fitness coach bot, provides tailored coaching advice based on identified needs and preferences to help keep you well and increase wellbeing.

So are you ready to get started? Login now to experience the benefits of improved mental health and wellbeing.

FlourishDx, because mentally healthy workplaces work better.

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For more information on FlourishDx, including a demo of digital tools and pricing, contact